Endeavor Analytics Website Audit
I performed an audit of my companies current website. I did an overview of the sites overall functionality and the improvements that can be made.
Thoroughly evaluating current features of the application will assist me in finding initial flaws in user flows, visual hierarchies and overall grouping.
Menu & Navigation
Challenge #1: Inconsistent Navigation Design
- There is some inconsistency in the design of the menu/navigation button. It is a floating box on the desktop version and on mobile it sticks to the top next to the EA logo.
- Mobile menu nav, has the EA logo stuck to the top acting as a button to home. The function of a home button is lacking on the desktop. Forces users scroll to the bottom etc.
- Implement the floating box menu design on mobile or use the mobile nav design on desktop. Either way consistency.
- Add the home page to the nav, that way you can more easily access it regardless of what page you are on, without having to scroll to the bottom for it.
- Set up ‘top of the page’ function to the EA logo button at the bottom of the page.

Challenge #2: Incorrect Button Navigation
- All of the navigation buttons on the site take you to what seems like random parts of the page.
- Yes, it takes you to the right page, just either in the middle or at the end. It depends where you started on the page where you originally clicked.
- Set up ‘top of the page’ function to all buttons/navigation. This way when you click on something it takes you to the top of that page and not randomly in the middle of it or at the bottom.
- This can cause confusion with users who don’t know the site and think that your intention was for them to go to that specific part when it’s not the case
Home | Company We Keep Section
Challenge: Incorrect Button Navigation
- The action button takes you to the bottom or middle of the page. When you go to click on ‘view our work ‘ you are taken to the footer.
Challenge: Feature Isn’t Responsive
- This section doesn’t work correctly on the mobile version. The logos for the company we keep section don’t appear.
Company We Keep Section – Redesign
Replacing the current slider feature with an auto animation of Endeavor’s partners can help users see all of our featured clients without having to do anything extra. This also ensures that users see all of the clients incase thye don’t swipe through.
Home | Our Services Section
- Inconsistent with the card sizes.
- The cards are buttons, but are really kind of useless. It takes you to ‘Our Services’ page and just the scrolled down section with the description.
- These cards have the same indication as another element on the site (the Our Leadership Role section) yet they have different functions. The arrow in this instance acts as a button to another page where in another use of it, it’s a flip card.
- Make all the cards the same size as Fan Development since it has the most content, that way they are all the same.
- Instead of buttons, turn them into flip cards like the ‘Our Leadership’ section, with descriptions. Keeps users on the home page longer as well.
- Consistency with the icons and their functions.
Our Services Section – Redesign #1
Making ’Our Services’ cards into a flip over feature with a description gives users the information they want without leaving the page. They also have the option to view the services page directly through the ’View All’ button.
Our Services Section – Redesign #1
This version of the Services Page design makes up better use of the full space on the desktop version, as it previews all 6 cards across the screen and allows for more text space.
Who We Are
- Issues with the ‘Our Services’ team button. Since the button is in the middle of the page for ‘Who We Are’, it takes you to the middle of the page for ‘Our Services’.
- Ready when you are, the ’Let’s get started’ button has the same issue. (this is a recurring issue across the site, might be just a simple programming fix just want to point
out where it happens though)
- Reassign where the buttons go to across the site, as this issue pops up a lot.
- The cards are too close to the edge, no breathing room for the edges.
- Adjust padding on the sides of the cards so there is whitespace.
- Adjust padding on text, ‘Our Expertise’ so it fits on one line as there is enough space for it.
- Scale down the sizing

Company We Keep Section – Redesign
Adding a slider with quotes from other satisfied clients, not necessary just an idea.
- Overall kind of bleh, very text heavy and endless scrolling.
- The icons are low quality.
- Reassign where the buttons go to across the site, as this issue pops up a lot.

- The ’Our Services’ cards are too big, need more breathing room on the edges
- Need more space in-between each card, they are overlapping.
- Same button issue.
- Adjust padding on the sides of the cards so there is whitespace.

Our Services Section – Redesign
Breaking up the cards into 2 columns makes better use of the space. Adding a visual element to ‘our work’ section (like the setup on the homepage) invites users to want to view more as compared to just a button.
Our Work
- Overall, very dynamic design like it a lot, wouldn’t change it.
- Might want to consider adding a contact page for consistency, as there is a contact page before the footer on every other page.

Case Studies
- The red ‘X’ button is too big, invites users to exit content almost immediately. It shouldn’t be bigger than the menu/ nav
- Body copy is too big, no reason that there is only 2 words per line.
- Size down the ‘X’ button
- Size down the body copy so it’s easier to read and doesn’t require a scroll through.